In addition to his discography, Andy Knight has produced a large volume of pieces, some of which are available on SoundCloud under his account : Andy Knight, Works: (
1998 – Broken Signals
‘Broken Signals’ is a collection of recordings made after the recording the third album SleepJunk of Emperors New Clothes (ENC) album. They were made using primitive equipment well away from the studios of the music business. Not created with any view towards record sales, they have an otherworldly quality and an unashamed concern with beauty.
Unlike his work with ENC, where he mostly used the sampler to create textures above the music, in ‘Broken Signals‘ the music exists inside the sampler’s world.

Click on the image to listen to SoundCloud
Broken Signals on SoundCloud
Feeling he had gone as far as he could in this direction, Andy left his solitary creations behind and became more involved with free improvisation, eventually teaming up with Scottish drummer Ken Hyder and the American percussionist Z’ev.
2006 – Human Being Human

‘Human being Human’ comes from a decade later, and features duos with Ken Hyder, Andy and z’ev playing alongside traditional Siberian musicians Albina Degtyareva & Alisa Savvinova , and a call & response session between Andy and a pack of wolves recorded in Hungary.
By this time Andy had switched over to playing pocket trumpet, after physical problems had prevented him continuing with the saxophone.